In The Air: The Horror of the Dwellers

I prefer a safe, relaxed home environment, who doesn't I suppose? But since moving into a common walls apartment situation I've become Air Phobic, arranging my so-called living space into zones which require strategically placed Monster Fans to help dissipate air weirdness. It's also a seeming war of the Sprayers - their killer air fresheners vs. my citrus and mint concoctions.

Adding to this problem is the turnover of tenants with their strange, sickening products which waft through the air ducts.

At times I have opened a window for 'fresh air' and clouds of neighbors'air freshener hit me in the face. What is a breather of air on planet earth supposed to do?

I can't relocate. I shouldn't have to relocate. I could end up in a worse place where management enforces air fresheners in the the hallways.

This particular building has four small apartment units.The AC system sends cocktails of neighbors' Febreeze air freshener, personal fragrances, toxic cleaners and more through AC vents - my AC recessed hall unit leaks the same vapors. I can't use the AC - it cooled well but I wasn't breathing much air, mostly sickening vapors. I have to wear a mask often.

This past summer we had a heat wave. The vents were closed and the AC was off. The heat wave was on: 102 degrees. My dogs and I were taking mini-baths to cope - but it was still 80 degrees at 11 pm.

What planet do my apartment managers live on you might wonder: Apparently they live on Planet Denial, along with many neighbors who smoke cigarettes and spray Febreeze. (or perhaps some spray cigarettes and smoke Febreeze, I dunno.)

And guess what? Horrific fragrances from the 60's and 70's seem to be back. Think heavily sweet, smoky, it-gets-into-your-clothes-and-hair. Shudder. Don't even think about commercial fragrance dispenser machines which are used by many apartment dwellers.

I like an idea I heard: fight back with patchouli oil in a huge mobile dispenser! (See? Toxicity is making me cranky.)

Management denies that there's any problem.

Robotic property managers drone: Tenants smoke outside only. There is no problem here. Pay no attention to the smoker behind the curtain . . .
